Masturbation is a common and often discussed phenomenon which is present everywhere, both in young children, young people, adults as well as in those who already have families, especially in societies with higher education also remains on even those who are old.
Symptoms of masturbating at the age of puberty and adolescence, an awful lot going on. This is due to sexual maturity which peaked and has not got a reasonable distribution; then add to this stimulus-stimulus external in the form of books and pornographic images, the film blue, imitating his friends and others.
By some, masturbation is considered to be a pleasant habit. But on the other it is considered to be a group activity, disfigurement self or “Czelfbevekking” which can cause psychosomatic disorders and various other bad effects. The main purpose of masturbating is seeking satisfaction of sexual desire or take off with the road without sexual intercourse. However, masturbation is not able to give you the satisfaction of the truth. In contrast to the sexual intercourse is performed by two persons of the opposite sex. They are having fun, happiness, and preoccupation with.
In intercourse, stimulus not so needs to be raised in a clone, because sexual intercourse between men and women is a natural thing. The only source of stimulation is masturbation fantasies ourselves. That's what creates an erotic picture in mind. Masturbation is a local nature on stimulation of members by gender. Normal sex may give rise to a sense of happy and joyful, while masturbating and even creating emotional and psychological depression. This will be discussed in the writings of influence or impact of the activities of the mental health of a person to masturbate.
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